
80 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Sept. 1, 1933, Fred Bradshaw, Editor

E.H. Golden has recently acquired possession of the former A.A. Rust building in the lower end of town. The property had been in the hands of the Railway Savings Building and Loan association for some time. Mr. Golden is cleaning out the store room and looking for a tenant.


Dolores Hose Company has received a new 5-horse power electric siren, which will be installed at once to replace the 2-horse siren received a few weeks ago and found to be too small. It is expected the new noise maker will be plenty loud enough to awaken the soundest sleeper at any hour of the night.


Workers are busy putting a new Elatherite roof on the high school building this week. The old roof (Elatherite) has been doing service since the building was erected in 1917 but just played out.


Mary A. Longenbaugh has been claimed by the grim reaper. The family came to Colorado in 1884, settling on the Animas River above Durango, where they lived two years. Desirous to establish a home of their own, they came to Montezuma County where they homestead a place four miles northwest of Cortez. Since coming from Durango, Mrs. Longenbaugh has lived in the Beulah neighborhood until the time of her death.


It will be unlawful to kill bear in Colorado until Oct. 1, 1935, after which the animal may be killed during the months of October and November.

Stockmen are permitted to kill known slayers of sheep, cattle or colts, but such killings must be reported to the game and fish department with 30 days after the killing of marauding bears.


Mrs. M.C. Dean of Dove Creek was critically injured Sunday when a horse she was riding fell over a 15-foot cliff in the Dolores river canon.

Mrs. Dean was accompanying a party of young folks down the canyon when the accident occurred. The horse lost its footing and fell over the precipice and was instantly killed. That Mrs. Dean lives is almost a miracle, although she did receive fractured ribs and cuts on the head. She is being cared for at her home at Dove Creek.


Anyway, this community should wake up to the fact that it will survive or sink according to the way we accept the situation and do something to save ourselves. Laying down on the job will not do in times like these.


Henry Ford's time as an automobile manufacturer is getting short - and shorter. He threatened or promised to close his factory the minute the 18th Amendment was repealed. To date, 22 states have voted to do away with the "noble experiment." But perhaps Hank will change his mind. (La Jara Gazette)


Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Peabody are very proud of their baby boy, born last Wednesday with Dr. Rice in attendance. The baby was born with two full-grown teeth, which is rather unusual.