80 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Sept. 30, 1933, Fred Bradshaw, Editor

The national bank conservators, who stepped into the limelight at the time of the bank holiday last March, are about to take bows and retire from the stage. The banks which are in a position to do so will be allowed to reopen on an unrestricted basis and those which do not have sufficient assets to re-open will be liquidated as soon as possible.

This new policy comes from Washington and is aimed to turn into the channels of trade the large amounts which are now tied up in closed national banks. Receivers who have taken and will take over the defunct financial institutions have received orders to "step on it," and will release available funds as soon as possible.


The meetings of wheat growers of this and Dolores county held during the past week at various points in the two counties have been quite successful, according to Floyd Brown, who has been here, representing the government and the allotment plan, and conducting the meetings.

Mr. Brown says that a total of nearly 7,000 acres have been signed up - 2,800 in Dolores county and 4,076 acres in Montezuma county. The acreage signed up in Dolores represents practically 100 per cent of the acreage devoted to wheat in that county according to government figures, while in Montezuma county the percentage is considerably more than half.

Meetings were held at Cortez, Mancos, Dove Creek and Dolores and fair representation of farmers of each particular section were present at each meeting.

Many farmers in Dolores section did not attend the meeting nor sign up for reduced acreage owing to the fact that they consider their acreage too small to bother with.

Monday was the last day for receiving applications for wheat reduction contracts.

Under separate sections:

Arriola Items

There was an apple buyer in our community Monday of this week.

A.W. Burke helped the Leavell boys stack cane this week.

Ernest Melvin and Fred Hechtman made a business trip to Dover Creek, the first of the week, going on to the Bob Short camp from there.

Mesdames B.B. Fitzgerald and Jack Ferguson of McPhee were visiting a few minutes Monday at the Melvin home.

Mrs. Ruby Bishop spent Monday with her mother, helping cook for hay men.

Rufus Jones has hauled his beans and put them under cover so they won't get wet any more.

Alta Leavell is picking apples at Ed Caylor orchard at Lebanon.

Mesdames C.L. Melvin and son Willey and A.W. Burke made a trip to the sheep camp last week. While Willey was giving the sheep the once over the ladies gathered a lot of the nicest choke-cherries.

The Rogers Merc. Co. is trucking lots of beans into Dolores at present.

D.P. Short finished stacking his second cutting of hay the first of the week.

G.A. Leroux and brother were here last week from Pueblo, giving their real estate a looking over.

Nearly everyone in the vicinity has their corn cut and shocked.