
80 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, June 16, 1933, Fred Bradshaw, Editor

This paper is advised from reliable sources that the state road officials have planned the road job from Monticello to Blanding and Bluff, the work to commencer just as soon as the mammoth program may be laid out. How does that sound, San Juan? Pretty good, we say, eh? A graveled road right down to the old river.


A car driven by Ed Kinsey, of Telluride, and the one driven by Jim Becher of Dolores, ran together on the Rico Road Wednesday. The Kinsey car, a Chevrolet sedan, was damaged to the extent of a ruined tire, a bent wheel and fender. Jimmy Becher and Richard Odenbaugh were on their way up the river to a fishing trip when the accident occurred. Their car was not damaged enough to prevent the boys from continuing on their trip.


A big fine baby boy was born Monday night to Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Brumey at their home on Summit Ridge. Mother and youngster are doing nicely.


Joe Garrett, employee of Graden Mercantile Co. of Durango, was here Tuesday hanging draperies in the new beer room at the Del Rio hotel The new shades add much to the appearance of the place.


Motor No. 5 made its maiden voyage from Ridgway Saturday and passed through here enroute to Durango for a load of freight. The car is made from a Pierce Arrow automobile and is pretty much the same sort of a machine as cars No. 3 and 4. Jack Odenbaugh, who helped build the bus in the Ridgway shops, brought it in here. This gives the Rio Grande Southern five buses now, which with an occasional freight train is sufficient to take care of the business along the line.


To date there have been nearly 250,000 lbs. of wool shipped out of Dolores, and Chas. Smith, of the station force, says there will be about 350,000 lbs. before the season ends. Several cars were loaded out this week, consigned to the National wool marketing corporation at Boston.


Stoner Items: Our baseball team played at Mildred Sunday. We were beat, but not as badly as last Sunday.


German Settlement: Henry Osterfeld doesn't seem to believe in letting things live. Tuesday he caught a muskrat and Wednesday another one. Last week he killed a large rattlesnake.


Mancos Items: The Webber choir members gave a dance at the "red hall" Saturday evening, which was well patronized. After the dance, a number of young olks enjoyed a "feed" at the home of Quincy Ashback.


McPhee Items: Henry Bales and George Redmond came down from the reforestation camp near the coal mine Friday night and spent the weekend with home folks.