
80 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Aug. 25, 1933, Fred Bradshaw, Editor

The annual reunion of the Montezuma County Pioneers Association will be held in Dolores this year and the date is set for next Thursday. According to the official announcement, there will be a program in the afternoon at 2 o'clock, followed by a basket dinner. None but members of the association and their families are permitted to attend. Membership in the association is limited to those who came to the San Juan in the year 1884 or earlier.


The Montezuma Valley National Bank, of Cortez, was ordered placed in the hands of a receiver Saturday by the comptroller of the currency at Washington.

The bank had been in the hands of a conservator since the banking holiday and was doing business on a limited basis.

Immediately after the order was received, the business men of the town of Cortez held a conference and sent a telegram to Washington asking that the receivership be delayed until after the fall shipping season and harvest, upon the theory that the bank could improve its condition in the meantime.


In a certain section of the middle west, a resident reports in a letter to one of his friends in a distant part of the country that times are so hard that the coyotes are sitting up nights to hear the people howl.


William Wooley, the pioneer farmer of Montezuma valley who stood by his post through all the dangers, is still with us, but one by one they go down the line, and each year will find us missing one or more well-remembered faces, and as the era of prosperity is dawning, let us children and those who take our places not forget the bone, muscle, blood and even the lives that have been given to make our beautiful country what it will soon be - a garden spot on the World's Greatest Farm.


Stoner Items: Dr. Calkins was up with a party Sunday. They had to fish up the west fork because the river was muddy. Arch McCabe and two young men spent Monday night at the Stoner camp cottages.


McPhee Items: The Lloyd Gilliland family moved into the house formerly occupied by the Wm. Bales family. The Lawrence Speers family moved down from camp into the Gilliland house.


Arriola items: Chas. Johnson, Charlie McCall, A.W. Burke, D.P. Short and Mrs. J.G. Ford have all had part of their grain cut the past week. J.W. Melvin ran the binder.


Natives of the state called Missouri enjoyed a big picnic at Fort Lewis Sunday and a number of folks from this section of the county attended.


John Willander's all-American circus will be in Dolores this Friday, according to announcement in this paper. The same show will be in Cortez Saturday. See the admission coupon, worth 10 cents on admissions, in this paper.


Notice: Mr. Morrison of the extension service, department of agriculture, will be here Monday morning to meet with a number of town people, business men and citizens. We don't know what it's all about, but it is said to be important.