
80 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, July 14, 1933, Fred Bradshaw, Editor

Two men of the C.C.C. camp on Beaver are being held at Cortez, charged with breaking into the Granath Mesa school one night last week and carrying off a number of small articles. Marvin Briele, about 22 years old, and the other, a juvenile, deny that they stole the articles, ana larm clock and a few other things, but that they obtained them from another boy in the camp. the other man, however, had an alibi.


The Star has been requested to announce that J. Will Miller, who has charge of the prairie dog extermination work, will be at the courthouse but three days each week: Thursday, Friday and Saturday.


County Judge J.M. Brumley has stated that old age pension application blanks are now on hand and may be obtained on request. It is quite apparent that there are likely to be many disappointments. The old age pension is for the purpose of assisting those who are unable to compare for themselves by reason of old age and who have no sons or daughters able to support them. The revenue from which the pension are paid will probably fall far short of the amount requested. Judge Brumley offers the following suggestions: Don't apply if you are able bodied. Don't apply if you have children to support you. Don't apply unless you are willing to give your property to the county pension fund.


Harry Morgan was down from the sheep camp this week and reported rain every day and night up on the meadows between East and West Dolores rivers. Several fine showers have fallen in the lower country also since the fourth. A heavy rain fell Monday near King's and washed a great deal of rock and dirt into the road, so Patterson reports.


A statement of the condition of J.J. Harris & Company, Bankers, will be found in this issue of the Star. The local bank has come through the recent banking crisis in excellent shape, and we still have a bank!


Men getting scarce: Supervisor A.F. Hoffman was in Dolores Wednesday looking around for 15 able-bodied men for the forest camp on Beaver to replace a similar number who "went over the hill" or have left camp for other reasons. "It's a steady job until next November," Mr. Hoffman said, "And better than hit and miss jobs."


A.S. Miller has resigned his position as town clerk and D.S. Thomas has been appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr. Miller has employment at the forest camp on Beaver.


The town park, in front of the main business block, is looking its best right now, and better than ever before, with its many pretty flowers, well kept grass and trees. Not another town in the basin has anything to compare with it. Visitors have many favorable comments to make about it. The Civic Club ladies are responsible and due the credit for this valuable asset.


Ed Young, of Dove Creek, received several cuts about the body and head, and John Dunbar, of Cahone, a badly battered face in a fight which took place at the Sitton Store in Dove Creek Sunday afternoon. It is said that the two men, both of whom have many friends throughout this section and are highly respected, quarrelled over an old threshing bill involving a few dollars.