
80 years ago

Taken from the Dolores Star, Friday, Jan. 17, 1936

New water system discussed

Dolores people and the town board are contemplating the rebuilding of the entire water system of the town and two meetings have been held to discuss this matter within the past few days. Representatives of the Davis construction company, of Des Moines, Iowa, have been here to solicit the work. The result to date is that the town board has decided to call an election to let the people decide whether they want a new water system. It is estimated that the system can be built for around $60,0000 with an 8-inch main to the headgate and with necessary settling tanks. In any case there is no use questioning the point as to whether Dolores needs a new system. The need is imperative.

Del Rio upgraded

The work in the lobby of the Hotel Del Rio improved the looks of the establishment so much that proprietor Wm. Brumley decided to give the interior of the upstairs part of the building a like treatment. So M.M. Martin is kalsomining the halls and rooms this week.