
80 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, October 25th, 1935

Lebanon Store and Postoffice Burned

The Lebanon store and post office owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. George Greenwood, was completely destroyed by a fire about midnight Tuesday night.

How the fire originated is a mystery. Mr. Greenwood was away from home and Mrs. Greenwood was sleeping in another building, taking care of a sick child.


Perhaps the largest baby ever born in this section made its arrival Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilderson.

The youngster weighed, according to Dr. H. C. Lefurgey, 14½ pounds. This may be some sort of record. Dr. Lefurgey says it is the largest, at birth, he ever saw. Yes, it’s a boy.

To Build New Road Down Dolores River

A road down the Dolores river to a point near the mouth of Narraguinep canyon seems to be definitely in the plans of the forest service.

The work will be done by members of the CCC, a camp of which is soon to be established near McPhee.

News of the building of the road down the Dolores river is hailed with delight by stockmen and saw mill folks who have occasion to make use of such a road.

Navy Man Home

Elbert Thomas, who is serving on the cruiser Milwaukee, U.S. Nacy. Is home on a short furlough for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thomas, Elbert is looking fine and likes his work.

Federal Farm Program News

Denver is the scene this Thursday, October 24, of a regional public hearing on the proposed western growers states potato-marketing agreement intended to increase prices to growers of potatoes harvested this fall.

The Warren potato act doesn’t go into effect until December and relates only to potatoes harvested beginning next year.

Solomon Exon, Mancos Pioneer, Dies This Week

Solomon Exon, one of the best known of the early Mancos settlers, died at his home in Mancos Monday. Heart failure is given as the reason of his death.He was a brother of Mrs. Martin Rush, and W. J. Exon, of this place.

His occupation was farming and stock raising and he made prospecting a sort of hobby. He had been one of the Mancos community’s most substantial citizens for many years.

Records of Bible Confirmed

The essential truth of the Bible is not dependent upon the accuracy of its history, and there are many passages in the Sacred Writings which must be interpreted in a symbolic rather than a literal sense.

It is remarkable, however, how Old Testament history, after being labeled as “legendary,” or, at best, “exaggerated”, has recently been confirmed as a result of independent research.

Dolores High School Wins First Conference Game; Bayfield 53-0

For the first time in the history of Dolores high school a San Juan basin conference game was chalked up by the lads of the local high school.

Tired of being used as a doormat by all the other teams in the basin, the Bear reared up on its hind legs and bellowed in rage.

The bears are lucky this week in having no game. About half of the squad are limping with injuries, which in the best of teams, will slow the play fifty percent. The next game will be played at Durango the afternoon of November 1.

Colorado Will Have Blue and White License Plates

Colorado motorists will have new colors for their license plates next year. Instead of the colors yellow and black, which have been used for several years, the new plates will have white numerals on a blue background.