
80 years ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Nov. 14, 1975

Bond issue

Dolores School District voters will decide on a bond issue in the amount of $380,000 which if approved will be used to finance the construction of a Vo-Ag and industrial arts shop and a science addition to the high school. The funds will also pay for the reconstruction of the junior high and high school locker rooms in the gymnasium and the remodeling and expansion of the art, homemaking and business facilities of the high school building. The same bond issue failed at an earlier election in June and as a result the school lost the Vo-Ag program because the state withdrew funds for the program as the school facilities did not meet the state regulations.

Trailer park Rule

Mr. and Mrs. Larrie Rule have recently purchased the Boots Rule home at the Riverside trailer park and will be managing the trailer park for Mr. and Mrs. Boots Rule who have moved to a farm on Summit Ridge.

Ute Mountain Tribe

Scott Jacket has been elected as the new chairman of the Ute Mountain tribal council. Jacket, who has held the post before replaces Marshall Whyte as chairman. Henry Jacket was elected treasurer.

Man down

According to a report, Nancy Grubbs of Dolores was driving from Dolores to Cortez and saw an old man lying by the side of the road trying to summon help. She stopped to give assistance and went to the nearest home of Moss Atkinson to call the hospital for an ambulance. Feb Wilson, better known as “Blondie,” worked at the old Hanson sawmill, had fallen getting his mail.