
80 Years Ago

Child Killed Sun. Truck Overturns

The seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kisling was instantly killed and several people were seriously injured Sunday afternoon about 4:30 o'clock when the truck in which they were riding overturned on a curve about four miles north of Dove creek. The party of about 20 people were returning from a religious meeting and the truck, a model-T Ford, was driven by Bill Fleming. At a curve in the road it overturned, throwing the occupants to the ground with great force.

Colorado Develops Plan to Get Roads

Colorado can meet the president's program of removing from the relief rolls the number that he has decided shall be put to work with the money to be granted under works progress administration, according to the AAA better roads bureau of Rocky mountain motorists.

J. A. Bondurant, Pioneer, Stockman, Dies at Durango

J. A. Bondurant, father of Mrs. J. L. Morrison, and one of the San Juan basin's early and most respected pioneers, died in Durango Monday following a brief illness.

Mr. Bondurant came to the basin in the seventies and lived principally around Durango where he engaged in the livestock business. He was 81 years old at death.

Riley Administrator Local ERA Office

Leon. F. Riley, recently of San Luis valley, came in early this week and has taken charge of the work in the local E. R. A. office, succeeding Harry Kauffman who resigned recently.

Mr. Riley has considerable experience in this work and will no doubt fill the position in the best possible manner.

Mr. Kauffman has resigned on account of ill health and expects to go to Mayo brother's hospital soon for treatment.

Hammonds Have Fine Trip

Mr. and Mrs. James Hammond arrived home last Sunday after being away for the past three months, during which time they have travelled some 8,000 miles in their car. They visited with relatives in New York State, spent some time in Washington D.D., and visited other relatives in Canada. They made the entire trip with only one flat tire.

Circus in Town

Orange brothers' circus recently billed for Dolores is in town as the paper goes to press, much to the delight of all the kids. The show carries the largest elephant ever brought in this section of the country.

Chamber of Commerce Asks That 90 Miles of Streams Be Closed

Request is being made by the Montezuma and Dolores counties chamber of commerce to State Game and Fish Commissioner R. G. Parvin to close some ninety miles of fishing streams in Montezuma and Dolores counties.

These streams are tributaries of the Mancos and Dolores rivers and, if the request is granted will be closed for a period of two years beginning September 1, 1935.

It is believed that by the closing of these side streams, fish will be allowed to attain considerable size before they are taken and that these fish will come down into larger streams and aid in stocking these with larger fish.

McPhee Items

Joe Odell and sons Lewis and Harold returned home last Tuesday from Los Angeles, California.

Marion Smith received burns on the face and hands Tuesday evening when some oil exploded.

Arnold Payne had the misfortune of having his truck load of hogs tips over and his truck burned Friday. They were able to save the trailer and some of the truck tires.

Mrs. Wilda Brumley and daughter Louise left Wednesday morning of last week for San Francisco, California.

Lewis Items

Mr. and Mrs. McBerney left Saturday for their home in Illinois. They were accompanied by Mrs. McBerney's mother, Mrs. Makeever, who will visit relatives.

Miss Dillon and Mr. Knight and Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffith were dinner guests at the Winbourn home Sunday.

The school house is being cleaned and put in shape for the opening of school Tuesday.