
40 Years Ago in Dolores

Taken from the Dolores Star, Friday, Oct. 3, 1975

Judges Name Parade Winners

Miss Brenda Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson of Summit Ridge was named Homecoming queen at the halftime of the Dolores-Bayfield ball game on Friday evening. Johnson was escorted by Marvin Reichenau.

Senior attendants were Jonnie Sue Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Corky McClain and Terri Graves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Graves.

Homecoming Spirit: Bears Win

The Dolores Bears came through for a homecoming victory over Bayfield 15 to 8 Friday night and will go to Mancos for a league opener for the Bears this Friday night at 7:30 p.m.

UFO Sighted Near Town

On Friday, Sept. 19, about 10:30 p.m., an Unidentified Flying Object was sighted landed on a road west of the Mrs. Lawana Milhoan residence. The object was seen by one reliable young man who later returned with a friend to study the tracks of the object which were clearly visible in the dust of the dirt road.

When the two young men, Robin Milhoan and Jim Dietz, returned to the scene about midnight Friday, they saw tracks where it had landed, standing on three legs.


A new cattle mutilation has been reported by Dolores County Sheriff Woodly Johnson.

Mutilation occurred sometime between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Wednesday night on the ranch of Kenny Brackett. Brackett’s home lies near the Dolores-San Miguel county line.

New Son

Mr. and Mrs. Charles McRae are the proud new parents of a son born on Tuesday, Sept. 30 in Fort Collins. He weighed 6 lb. 8 oz. and has been named Edward William. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bill Neely of Cahone. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McRae of Cortez. Paternal great grandmother is Mrs. Mary Jane McRae of Dolores.

Stolen Vehicle Found in Dolores

Marshal Charlie Aragon reported Thursday afternoon that a red 1965 Ford, stolen from the American Legion on Sept. 25, was recovered in Dolores next to the Del Rio Lounge on Forth St. at 2 p.m. Thursday.

The vehicle belonged to Harold M. Donahoo of Cortez.

Family Reunion

The family of Mr. and Mrs. Mory Plumlee were all together for the first time in seven years this past weekend. Their children, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Becher and son, Eddie, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kirk and children, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Plumlee and daughter from Vicencia, Italy, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Plumlee and children from Farmington, N.M. Their grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. David Becher and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Becher and sons.

They had dinner and observed the Plumlee’s 49th anniversary at the home of the Howard Kirks in Cortez on Sunday.

Bridal Shower

Kim Gangwish was the guest of honor for a bridal shower on Sept. 18 at the First Nation Bank in Cortez. Hostesses were Katie Hill, Ginger Cowan, Dorothy Willbanks, Becky Willbanks, and Jimmie Shields.

Kim became the bride of Keith Clemenson on Sept. 28.


The Dolores high school varsity volleyball team remains undefeated with a win over Mancos by a score of 15-11 in the first game and 15-9 in the second. High server was Linda Anthony with 9 serves.

Planning Meeting For Escalante Dedication

Mrs. Cecile Taylor and Mrs. And Mrs. Bill Winkler attended the four state Dominguez Escalante Trail meeting at the Chamber of Commerce building in Albuquerque on Thursday this week.