
40 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, June 27, 1975

Frontier Days July 4 and 5

The second annual Frontier Days will come off in Dolores on July 4 and 5 with two days of fun and frolic in the offing for Dolores and area residents.

Food for the two days of events will be provided by, in addition to the local restaurants, a hamburger and hot dog stand run by the Catholic Altar and Rosary Society which will operate both days, and by the WMS of the Baptist Church who will provide a dinner before the dance on Saturday evening.

Dolores River workshops to be held second week in July

Four public workshops to discuss alternatives for inclusion of free-flowing segments of the Dolores River into the National Wild and Scenic River System will be held during the second week of July. The workshops are a continuation of informational meetings held last March.

The purpose of the workshops is to apply eligibility and classification standards to the Dolores River segments and to assist the Dolores River Study Team in its identification of alternatives for this southwestern Colorado river. Members of the study team represent the State of Colorado; Bureau of Land Management, U.S.D.A.

Hospital Vote Tuesday

General obligation bonds in the amount of $1,462,000 will be issued to help pay for a proposed new hospital for Montezuma County residents if the bond issue to be voted upon for eligible voters in the county on July 1 passes.

The election will be held from 7 a.m until 7 p.m with polling places at the Cortez City Hall, Lewis Arriola School, Dolores Town Hall and the Mesa School in Cortez. A voter may vote in any one of the voting places.

School bond election fails

The voters of Dolores School District Re-4a turned down the proposed bond issue in the election Tuesday. Out of the 308 votes cast the issue failed by only 32 votes with 138 voting for the issue and 170 voting against.

The bond issue was to have financed the construction of a Vo-Ag and Industrial Arts shop, reconstruction of Junior High and High School locker rooms and a science addition to the High School as well as remodel the Art, Homemaking and Business facilities of the High School Building.

Sierra Club meets at Stoner on Dolores River

Four Corners area residents might have felt uneasy if they had known about a meeting last weekend at Stoner Alpine Lodge where Sierra Club members met with government employees to plot how best they might effect wild and scenic river status for the Dolores and other Southwest rivers, and possibly through a monkey wrench into construction of the Dolores Project.

Attending were representatives in government vehicles from the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, the National Park Service, and others whose aim is to prevent any future developments on the rivers regardless of needs and local populations.

Named Athlete of the Year

Miss Lisa Berry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berry, has been selected as a Prep Track and Field "Athlete of the Year" for 1975, and her name will appear in the 1975 "Athletes of the Year" annual. Miss Berry was nominated by her coach, Arlinda Reeves, of Dolores.

Involved in Accident

John Lobato, who works for the Colorado Game and Fish Dept. hatchery in Durango, was involved in an accident last Tuesday, June 17, in Del Norte while returning from taking a load of fish. His truck smashed into the side of an unused garage after he apparently fell asleep while driving. He received a fractured jaw and numerous cuts and bruises and was taken to the Del Norte Hospital and later transferred to Mercy Hospital in Durango. He was released Tuesday and it feeling better although still quite sore.

Around Town

Happy anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tobin.

Winner of the contest for an idea for the Dolores town flag, Patricia Tarpey, age 9, of South 8th St. in Dolores, was presented with a $25.00 check by Mayor V. T. Boyd.

A reading of Betty Hunter's poem, "The Gallopin' Goose," was rendered by Madge Lyen, a professional performer and former resident of Dolores, whose father was agent for the D. & R. G. S. railed here at the time.