
40 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, July 13, 1973, Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors

Skip Anderson, Dolores Town Marshal, was involved in a two-car accident about 2:30 on Monday afternoon, July 9. The accident took place near the intersection of the Lebanon and Arriola roads. Marshal Anderson stated that he was coming up a hill into a blind corner when he met another vehicle. He applied his brakes and the car went into a skid on hay that had been spilled on the gravel. Marshal Anderson required seven stitches in his jaw and his knee was a little banged up.


The Rocky Mountain section of American Foresters will conduct their summer meeting in the Dolores area. Approximately 90 Rocky Mountain Foresters will review the pilot testing of the Skyline Cable Logging system, to be operated by Montezuma Plywood Corporation on the Roaring Fork Timber Sale. Clyde Steel, Dolores District Ranger, states that Dick Worthington, chief of timber management, Washington D.C., and Stan Undi, assistant regional forester in timber management from Denver, will be present.


Sen. Peter H. Dominick of Colorado announced this week that he has been notified by the Small Business Administration that Montezuma County farmers are eligible to receive disaster relief assistance. "The economy of the county has suffered as a result of the heavy rainfall and snow runoff this spring."


A public hearing has been set for the evening of July 18 in the district courtroom of the county courthouse for county commissioners and city council members to present their plans concerning the city and county jail facilities. Board Chairman Clay Bader stated the board and council have agreed on a plan for joint facilities if the public feelings are favorable. The joint committee decided that this was the most feasible route to bring the jail facilities up to state and federl standards with ample parking and room for expansion in the future. ***

Rico News & Views by Charles M. Engel: The Rico Post Office has been moved backward and is designated as fourth class. Clerk assistance has been terminated. Decline in population during winter months resulted in a noticeable drop in postal revenues after the holidays and is said to be a controlling factor in the new classification. An increase in the mail load is always evident in early summer and continues until after Christmas. It would appear that hindsight is not always better than foresight.


"The Monster" is an appropriate name for a 30-ton machine that can chew boulders and chunks of ore as large as footballs and reduce them to powder in an intricate process of sampling. "The Monster" was built for Rico Argentine Mining Company by Fergeson Equipment Company of Durango.


July 15 is the deadline for antelope applications/ ***

Colorado today recorded its first case this year of Rocky Mountain spotted fever when Denver officials confirmed that an 18-year-old Denver youth mountain climbing in the Boulder foothills contracted the disease from an infected tick.