
40 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Sept. 7, 1973, Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors

Town board members at their regular meeting of the month heard from Dr. E.G. Merritt, who told them of plans he has for construction on his property between the Rainbow Pharmacy building and the doctor's offices on Central Avenue. He also requested the board to consider problems of drainage and related sewer difficulties on his property east of town in seeking cooperation of the town to remedy some of them.


Parents of students at the Dolores Schools will this year hear their children talk of five new teachers and will be interested in their qualifications.

New teachers are Edsel Page, Corinne Peek, Arlinda Reeves, Ila Starks and Terry Winet.


The Division of Highways has awarded a $557,919 contract for improvements to a mile and a half on US 666 northwest of Cortez. The contract went to Nielsons Inc. of Dolores, lower bidder of two firms at the Aug. 30 opening, on grading, structures, stabilizing.


Driller Dae Cubertson and his crew pose on the platform of the drill rig near Bean Canyon. Left to right are Culbertson, of Farmington, J.A. Eldred of Lovington, N.M., Roy Uptain of Cortez, Curtis White and Bob White of Farmington.


Rico News & Views by Charles M. Engel: Sarah Oliver is renovating the old nurse's home on Eder Street in West Rico. The old home was occupied with personnel of the only three story hospital in Rico for a brief existence during the boom days of the 1890s.


NORWOOD - Two 3-year-old children are recovering in Colorado General Hospital after being flown there for treatment of mushroom poisoning. The children had eaten a large amount of mushrooms believed to be the Amanita family found in the alley behind their home.


Jackie Biard and sons and Harry Geisinger spent Labor Day up on Hillside Drive scouting out camps for the coming big game season.


Summit Ridge by Lillian Allen: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Medina are the proud parents of a new baby girl, born Friday, Aug. 31, at Southwest Memorial Hospital. Named Ramona Juanita, the young lady is the first child of the Medinas.


About sixty senior citizens enjoyed a potluck dinner at the home of Mary Baker above Dolores on Friday afternoon. All reported a good time, and the weather cooperated with the sun shining all day.


The Bear's Beat, from the creative writing class at DHS: Thirty boys reported for the first practice on Aug. 31. On Sept. 1 the team split into black and white squads for a practice scrimmage, which was won by the white team 16-0. Harold Ragland scored on a 20-yard run and Bill Goode caught a pass for the point after. The second score was by a pass from Gary Quintana to Bill Goode for some 30 yards, and Ragland made the point after on an off tackle run. The only major injury was to Mike Chadwick; he will be out for the first two games with a pulled ankle tendon.


In the Good Old Days - they had horse races, and especially on the Fourth of July. Of course this required some preparation, and here we see where Mayor Geo. Wheatland okayed a $1.50 bill from R.D. Akin for two hours work dragging the streets for a race track the day before the fourth.


Sheriff Clarence Williams reported last week that four members of his staff are no longer employed due to the officers being disloyal and insubordinate to the sheriff.

Williams said he found he was unable to run the department with the deputies he had, and he has hired other men to perform the duties in addition to having special duties on call throughout the county.