
40 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Aug. 17, 1973, Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors

Telluride - San Miguel County's total assessed valuation, for the first time, will soar above the $10 million mark.


Delta - A city policeman was shot to death early Saturday after he was taken hostage in his patrol car.


A new dimension has been added to the world famous Knott's Berry Farm entertainment park. It is the Galloping Goose, an old railroad vehicle dating back to 1931.

"The unique vehicle, which Knott's acquired in 1953, served the Rocky Mountain routes of the Rio Grande Southern Railroad for 22 years, says Michael Reafsnyder, manager of the Ghost Town and Calico Railroad at Knotts. The Goose served such colorful Rocky Mountain towns as Durango, Lizard Head, Thompson Park at Dolores.

Knotts Berry Farm is located in Buena Park on Beach Boulevard two miles south of the Santa Ana Freeway.


The San Juan Basin Area Vocational-Technical School will be starting a new class of licensed practical nursing on Sept. 17.

The program is funded by the Manpower Development Training Act, which provides for the training of the economically disadvantaged. Tuition-paying students also will be accepted into the program.


Rico News & Views by Charles M. Engel: The Rio Grande Southern Railroad came into Rico in late 1891 and it is interesting to note that 59 mines were operating with 20 producing quantities of high grade lead-silver ore.

The Enterprise Hotel with 62 rooms was the largest hostelry of 13 where room and board was available. Living quarters were at a premium and it was not unusual to share room and bed with a stranger.

George Hutt, co-publisher of the Rico Sun, wrote, "Electricity leads fair to revolutionize mining methods and Rico may be come the richest mining camp in the state.


Pagosa - Mahmood Ghodrat of Iran was stabbed and beaten as he was walking into Pagosa Springs after his car ran out of gas. Two men, as yet unidentified, driving a light-colored car with La Plata County license plates, stopped, offered a ride, and when refused, beat and stabbed the Iranian.


We are pleased to announce that the famous western author, Louis L'Amour, will be the honored guest and speaker at the annual Mancos Valley Chamber of Commerce banquet on Aug. 17.

Mr. L'Amour is currently engaged in building a historically authentic western town just north of Hesperus. This town, called Shalako, will be a live operating community as well as a movie location and a tourist attraction.