
40 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, June 1, 1973<br/>Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors

Three students from Dolores who attended the San Juan Basin Area Vocational Technical School have received their proficiency certificates in business and office training. Cora Becher and Correen Becher in the Stenographic Secretarial Program and Linda Stocks in the Clerk-Typist Program received certificates.


Kentucky Fried Chicken apparently is not coming to Silverton after all. The site of the property which was designated for the establishment has been sold.


Rico News & Views by Charles M. Engel: With all the exploring in outer space, we still don't know which came first, the chicken or the egg.


The Indian ruins named after their first finders, the Wetherills of Mancos, will be open to the public for the first time on Monday, June 4. Buses will take up to 500 persons a day to the ruins about 15 miles south and west of the Navajo Hill visitor center.


Mr. and Mrs. David Engle and family will be leaving the first of July for the Isle of Man, where they will begin a year's pastorial exchange with the family of Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Harris and family. The Engles will serve six churches there.


Lebanon by Mrs. John McMillan: Trent Carver of Guam and his wife are visiting the Dan Carvers. He is home on emergency eave from the Marines.


Opening soon: Marcello's - The Italian Cowboy. The finest in Italian cuisine.


Pleasant View by Mrs. Laverne Lambert: The Frank Greens want to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the community for the things done, visits made and remembrances made during the recent hospitalization of Frank due to burns received during the fire at Dove Creek several weeks ago. Frank is up and about these days and looking very well despite his ordeal.


Congratulations to all the graduating seniors from our area. All their parents must have been proud and of course a little sad as they attended the graduation and baccalaureate services last week.