
40 years ago

Taken from the Dolores Star, Friday, March 12, 1976

Rico Mercantile

The Rico Mercantile closed last week for remodeling and will re-open with a new stock of groceries. Dating back to 1892, the stone building was first occupied by A.J. Adams, Grocery and W.B. Hess, Men’s Furnishing and Insurance. In 1907 it became the Charles Engle Mercantile Company. It is currently owned and operated by Cecile Mangold and Wayne Sheperek, and is the oldest mercantile business in Dolores County.

Community Center grant

The Town of Dolores was approved for a $5,000 grant for the proposed Community Building from the Colorado Centennial-Bicentennial Commission. The commission approved funding for 108 projects. We encourage you to exercise the democratic process and notify your legislators NOW of your concern and desire to make both the State and Nations’s 1976 commemoration meaningful and successful.

Tipton family

Mrs. pat Tipton has been appointed Montezuma County Reagan for President Chairman. Mrs. Tipton, and her husband Joe, have lived in Cortez for 15 years. Mr. Tipton is with Nielsons Inc. They have two sons, Joe Jr. married, and Scott, a student at Fort Lewis College. Scott is an intern for Sen. Dan Noble and was appointed to the Colorado Colleges Advisory Committee.

Sherd decorators

On Monday, March 15, the Creative Craft Club will met at the Dolores State Bank for instruction on ways to use Indian pottery pieces found in this area. Items such as jewelry, flower pots, wall hangings and thunderbirds will be made. Those attending are asked to bring a small clay pot to decorate. Plans for the upcoming months include macrame, string art, hooked rugs and pillow tops, and sand paintings.