
40 years ago

Taken from the Dolores Star, Friday, Feb. 20, 1976

Jail locks broken

The sheriff reported on the jail break Saturday evening when a jailer was beaten and three prisoners escaped. They were later all apprehended. Sheriff Hampton said he believed the cell door locks, plus the door knobs and monitoring system are not working properly . This will be investigated and repaired immediately.

Good samaritans

Three Norwood men flew out to join the international rescue effort in Guatemala in the wake of the devastating earthquake. Dr. Ed Thompson said the three others plan to work in small villages in the back country, setting up clinics and treating the injured.

Grant funds delayed

Hill-Burton hospital fund grant money has been put in jeopardy by a lawsuit tied up in an eastern court. As a result all Hill Burton funds in the country are temporarily tied up by the litigation involving the Health Education and Welfare Department, which administers the funds. Southwest Memorial Hospital administrator Ron Nielson said this week that planning has been delayed until they know what will happen to their grant pending the court results.