
40 years ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Dec. 5, 1975

Good will

The Business and Professional Woman of Dolores provided 40 sacks of goodies made up of cakes, bread, cookies, fruit and candy mostly homemade, to elderly in town. Bonnie Clemenson and Barbara Hamilton distributed the sacks.

Electric payback

Empire Electric mailed Capital Credit checks totaling $46,508. These checks are for consumers of Empire Electric who received service in 1964. Being a non-profit, Empire Electric returns to the consumer all amounts received over and above the cost of doing business. These earnings are distributed in the form of Capital Credits which are paid in cash on a first-earned, first-paid basis.

New drilling

Amoco Production Company, a subsidiary of Standard Oil of Indiana, one of the largest oil companies in the world, began drilling for oil and gas Nov. 21 on private land eight miles south of Norwood. In the next few weeks, the company will sink a one-foot circular shaft nearly two miles down.

Linen giveaway

A basketful of linens will be given away by the Dolores River Garden Club at Taylor Hardware. All proceeds will go to the Christmas lighting fund.

Mining study

Atlantic Richfield Co. has announced the beginning of a one-year environmental baseline study of its Somerset coal lease property, located near Paonia. Additional studies will be initiated to determine the impact of possible underground mining on the 11,000-acre lease.