
40 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, July 4, 1975

First Dolores wild river workshop set for July 10

Four public workshops to discuss alternatives for inclusion of free flowing segments of the Dolores River into the National Wild and Scenic River System will be held during the second week of July. The workshops are a continuation of informational meetings held last March. The purpose of the workshops is to apply eligibility and classification standards to the Dolores River segment and to assist the Dolores River Study Team in its identification of alternatives for this southwestern Colorado river. Members of the study team represent the State of Colorado; Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and Bureau of Land Management, USDI; and the Forest Service, USDA.

Frontier Days are here again

The Dolores Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring Frontier Days, coming up this weekend on Friday and Saturday, July 4 and 5 in Dolores.

The two day event will start Friday morning at 9:30 with a parade on Main Street. Corky McClain is in charge of the parade arrangements. Anyone wishing for more information on the parade may contact him.

Nominated for Student Who's Who

Miss Elaine Carrigan, a senior this fall at Dolores High School and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carrigan, has been nominated for Who's Who among American High School Students for the 1974-1975 academic year.

This is a nationally recognized honor, awarded to juniors and seniors who have demonstrated leadership in either academics, athletics, extra curricular activities or community service. Less than 4 percent of the junior and senior class students are featured in Who's Who each year.

New officers in Rotary

New officers were elected at the regular meeting of the Dolores Rotary Club Tuesday evening. The new officers are President, Don Ripey; vice president, Chuck Davis; and sec. - treas., Dave Sanford.

President Don Ripley appointed the following to serve in the various capacities: Jack Kinkade, Chaplain; Tom LaFrance, Sgt. at Arms: Chairmen of Committees are: Wilbur Butler, Christmas Lighting; Dave Sanford, Kids Christmas Party; Clyde Steel, Membership; Larry Pleasant, Program; Don Ripley, Galloping Goose.

4-H Clubs hold county speech arts

Brian Wilson from the Kalvin's Kids 4-H Club gave the top junior demonstration at the County Speech Arts Contest held June 20, 1975, 2:00 p.m at Empire Electric. The title of his demonstration was, "First Steps of Leathercraft."

Winner in the senior division was Korri Barkkari from the County Goat Club with the title of, "Goat Milk, What for?" "To Catch a Bug" by Bill McCabe from Mancos was also a blue ribbon winner. Beverly Humiston from Mancos presented a Guest meal and received a blue ribbon. These three 4-Hers will represent Montezuma County at the State Fair in the State Demonstration Contest.

Three dead after Summit Ridge accident

A tragic two-vehicle crash has claimed the lives of three young people, two passengers in a car and the other driver of a pickup that met head on Saturday evening. The collision occurred at 9 p.m. on the Dolores-Mancos road, Highway 184, 8 miles north of Mancos near Summit Reservoir.

Water and sewer problems talked over by town fathers

A lengthy agenda was disposed of in prompt fashion by the town board at their Tuesday evening meeting. A request for assistance in maintaining the old cemetery grounds was denied as the town has no funds for such and could not accept the responsibility. Another inquiry about blacktopping around the Forest Service offices was received and the town has no objections to the building owner doing same if the curb is put on grade.

Retail sales up in county

Retail sales in Montezuma County rose slightly for the first quarter of 1975 over that of 1974, rising from $15,233,000 to $15,267,000.

While categories of Business Material, Automotive, Apparel and Accessory, Hotels and Lodging, manufacturing and Government showed decreases, categories of General Merchandise, Eating and Drinking, Other Services, Wholesale Trade and Contract Construction showed healthy increases.

New baby

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jackson are the proud parents of a new baby boy born June 28 in Durango. He weighed in at 7 lbs., 8 oz. and has been named Brett Allen.

Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Luther Shields of Dolores. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jackson of Westminister, Colo. The Jacksons have one other child, a daughter Julie.