
40 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Oct. 17, 1975

Bears Whip New Mexico’s No. 3 Class A Team

The Dolores Bears were victorious last Friday defeating Navajo Mission by a score of 20-10. Navajo Mission is rated as 3rd in the state of New Mexico and according to Coach Page is one of the toughest teams the Bears have come up against this season.

Two From Dolores Help Fight Forest Fire at Eagle

Clyde Steel, District Ranger from the Dolores District said this week that ten people from the area, three from Mesa Verde and seven employees of the Forest Service including himself and Gene Watkins from Dolores left early Sunday morning to fly to Eagle, Colorado to help fight a forest fire that burned about 4,400 acres before it was controlled.

Wins in Four Corners Bowling Tournament

Eleanor LaLonde of Dolores has taken 1st place in the womens singles-B class in the Four Corners Invitational Bowling Tournament. The tournament has been held over the weekends during the last month with participants from other states as well as Colorado.

Attends Bankers Meeting in New York

Dr. Edward G. Merritt, President and Chairman of The Dolores State Bank, attended the 100th annual convention of the American Bankers Association (ABA) Oct. 4-8 in New York City’s famed Radio City Music Hall.

More than 10,000 other bankers and their spouses attended ABA’s Centennial Convetntion, participating in a working program which took stock of the challenges facing America’s banking industries today and appraised the opportunities of the future.

Dolores ‘Fact Sheet’ Released

The study team currently working on the Dolores Wild and Scenic River Study has this week released a “Fact Sheet” on the proposed project.

Four segments of the Dolores River are currently being examined by the study team led by Denver offices of the Forest Service, the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Water Conservation Board. These people have received over 300 letters, reports and statements from persons interested.

Snobos Elect Officers at First Meeting

Snobos Snowmobile Club held election of officers at their first meeting of the fall last Thursday in Cortez. Those elected to serve include the following: Mary Ann Watkins, president; Roy McCall, 1st vice-president; Tad Willbanks, 2nd vice-president; Becky Willbanks, secretary; Dixie Ferrick, treasurer. Elected to serve on the board were Jim Christensen, Keith Ferrick, Willis Willbanks and Roberta Sturdevant.

County Leases More Land at $10 and acre

County Commissioners this week appointed Frances Koppenhafer to the position of Nurse Supervisor, replacing Helen Brown.

The commissioners approved two oil and gas leases for county property to Shell Oil Co. and on to Trend Resources Ltd. With premiums of $10.00 per acre being paid for the lease.

Retail Sales Holding Own Against Rising Inflation Rate

Colorado’s economy is stable, with retail sales staying slightly ahead of inflation, according to figures recently released by the University of Colorado Business Research Division.

The analysis of Colorado county and city retail sales for the second quarter of 1975 shows a 7.1 percent jump in sales over the same period last year. Inflation for the period averaged 6 per cent.