The Four States Ag Expo returned to Montezuma County this week, with sustainability and water conservation ruling the schedule.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Proud winner of the random chicken chase, Zach Rice, 3 and his sister, Blair Rice. They named the chicken Chic Chac the chicken as soon as she was caught.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Proud winner of the random chicken chase, Zach Rice, 3 and his sister, Blair Rice. They named the chicken Chic Chac the chicken as soon as she was caught.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Radiance Beals, executive director of the Four States Ag Expo, holds the chicken, ready for release.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Radiance Beals, executive director of the Four States Ag Expo, holds the chicken, ready for release.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Radiance Beals prepares the group of children for the “Random Chicken Chase” Thursday afternoon at the 2018 Four States Ag Expo.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Radiance Beals prepares the group of children for the “Random Chicken Chase” Thursday afternoon at the 2018 Four States Ag Expo.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Children chase a chicken during the “Random Chicken Chase” event, in which a chicken is released and whoever catches it gets to keep it.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Children chase a chicken during the “Random Chicken Chase” event, in which a chicken is released and whoever catches it gets to keep it.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Rossi Tozer, 3, participates in the Pedal Tractor Pull at the 2018 Four States Ag Expo.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Rossi Tozer, 3, participates in the Pedal Tractor Pull at the 2018 Four States Ag Expo.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Jake the herding dog shows off his skills at the 2018 Four States Ag Expo.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Jake the herding dog shows off his skills at the 2018 Four States Ag Expo.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Jake the herding dog and his handler, Jim Lewis, demonstrate herding techniques at the Four States Ag Expo.
Emily Rice/The Journal<br>Jake the herding dog and his handler, Jim Lewis, demonstrate herding techniques at the Four States Ag Expo.
Mar 16, 2018
2018 Four States Ag Expo rides into Montezuma County