12 Hours of Mesa Verde set to roll

Endurance bike race set to bring 920 riders to Phil’s World

Twelve years after a group of local mountain bikers decided to host an endurance race at Phil’s World, the 12 Hours of Mesa Verde Bike Race has grown into a regional phenomenon.

Thus, when this year’s rendition of the race begins at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds on May 9, more than 900 bikers from near and far will be positioned near the starting line.

“Our assumption is that close to 2000 people will be camping at the fairgrounds and roughly 3000 people will come to town for the race,” race board member, Cap Allen. “A few restaurants in town have told us that Friday night will be their busiest night of the year.”

As has been the case in previous years, the race will begin at 7 a.m. at the Fairgrounds and end at 7 p.m. in the evening.

Single rides and two and four person teams will try to complete as many laps as possible around a 16.4–mile loop in Phil’s World that includes various terrain and several technical sections.

“As far as mountain bike courses go, it’s kind of like Disney Land,” said Allen. “The course has a bunch of fun bumps and fun maneuvering and riders tend to get pretty excited.”

Several local riders, including three–time defending male single speed champion Shawn Gregory will join a talented field that includes some of the top endurance bikers in the country.

Gregory circled the course eight times last year and in doing so, traversed more than 131 miles.

“It’s a unique race because it sneaks up on people,” said Gregory, shortly after last year’s race. “You have to be mentally strong to keep going. One of the big things that gets people is that they don’t consider the total distance an all those little hills add up.”

Adding to the intriguing event is the fact that 100 percent of the races proceeds will be donated to local organizations that assist at–risk youth in the community. More than 200,000 dollars have been donated since 2003 and 50,000 dollars were donated last year alone.

“This event is about giving back to our community,” said race board president Tonya Wynes. “There is not a single paid person involved with this event. Volunteers spend countless hours putting this together so that we can give back to the community.”

In addition to the race itself, several family friendly activities, including face painting will take place at the fairgrounds throughout the day and a children’s bike race start at noon.

“The race is a very family friendly event,” said Wynes. “We’re hoping that lots of people will attend. The more that the community gets behind this, the more we are able to give back to our local kids.”