12 Hours of Mesa Verde cut short

Wet conditions force bikers to end early

Prior to the start of the 12 Hours of Mesa Verde Bike Race at Phil’s World on May 9, more than 900 bikers approached the starting line determined to finish at all costs.

Mother nature had other ideas however, and after roughly two hours of wet and muddy racing, organizers called the race off and set their sites towards next year.

Most racers who took to the course completed at least one lap, and a few racers completed two.

“I wanted my first year as race director to be an epic race,” wrote Tonya Wynes on the 12 Hours of Mesa Verde Bike Race’s Facebook Page. “What I got was not what I would have anticipated.”

Among the factors that led organizers to call the race early were fears that long–term damage could result to the Phil’s World course.

When asked about such fears, three–time defending race champion Shawn Gregory said that the race was called at the right time.

“The first lap was not bad, but you could tell that there were certain sections of the trail that were getting really slick,” Gregory said. “Nobody wanted to see the trail damaged. From a racers perspective, they handled it really well.”

In the hours after the race was called off, racers and volunteers remained at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds for a raffle that included various gear and goods.

Although those in attendance were clearly disappointed, all agreed that the longstanding race would take place again next year.

“Thank you to all the tough racers out there that endured harsh conditions and smiled most of the way,” wrote Wynes. “Here is to many, many more 12 Hours of Mesa Verde (races) in the years to come.”