
‘Disingenuous claiming to be patriots’

You can wrap the flag around what you are doing, then try to sell that package as “patriotism” and, perhaps, some people will buy it. That is why con men enshrine the old saw, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” But there is nothing is more disingenuous than local Republicans claiming to be patriots when they try to subvert election results.

And it is a travesty that this could happen in La Plata County.

Our county has a tradition of running open, fair, honest elections conducted by open, fair, honest county clerks. And to bring that into question demonstrates once again that the local Republican party is now run by obstructionists who are obsessed with: 1) Showing off a “me-too-ism” that says, “See, we can gum up the works too; see, just like big kids!” and subsequently, 2) Being disruptive for the sake of disruption.

To this second point: There was nothing to gain, no statement to be made, no wrong to be righted by refusing to certify our election. If there had been an end to those means that would somehow have bettered our democratic (small ‘d’) process, perhaps that would have been justified. But there was not.

This was simply an attempt to tear something down with no intent to build it back up: We’’l guard the vote by destroying the process.

There are La Plata County Republicans who would never have condoned such behavior. And their silence now is shameful.

Josh Joswick
