
‘Herald favored our freedom of speech’

I am writing in response to a letter from Oct. 15, 2023, with the headline “Herald has liberal/progressive bias.”

I appreciate the time the letter writer took to write. I appreciate that we would not likely agree on most issues in the public realm. But I value his opinion. I want to be informed by his opinion. I want to hear voices of those who do not think like I do.

All I ask this letter writer is that he offers my opinion the same respect with which I try to treat his opinion. This the foundation of our American experiment: The marketplace of ideas expressed freely and without fear of retribution. The best ideas rise to the top.

As to the Herald’s perceived bias, I offer the following perspective. Many years ago, when we had just moved to Durango, a group held a protest of 40 days of prayer to end abortion. They had yard signs and someone in the city government was offended by the signs. The city staff tried to use the sign code to get the signs removed.

It was the Herald that pointed out that, while it disagreed with the sentiment of the signs, it favored our freedom of speech even more. The city was forced to find a workaround that allowed the signs to stay up.

The Herald took a stand for a position it did not agree with for a larger and more important principle: freedom.

Rob Kolter
