
Prescribed burns planned for Dolores Ranger District this autumn

Depending on weather, temperature and humidity, known dates should be set within five to seven days of implementation
Low-intensity prescribed burns like this one reduce forest litter and open up soil beds for new pine seedlings. San Juan National Forest

Prescribed burns are planned for San Juan National Forest’s Dolores Ranger District this fall, depending on when weather and fuel conditions are favorable.

Specific dates are not set because certain criteria has to be met in regards to wind, temperature, fuel moisture and relative humidity. Matthew Traynham, the Dolores District Fire Management Officer, said they will know within five to seven days of implementation.

The identified target areas include:

  • Haycamp Mesa (10,658 acres) 10 miles east of Dolores, along the Haycamp Mesa Road, Forest Service Road 556.
  • Boggy Draw (8,706 acres) three to 15 miles northeast of Dolores, along the Dolores-Norwood Road near Little Bean Canyon, Boggy Draw Road NFSR 527 and Cottonwood Canyon Road NFSR 532.
  • Salter (5,379 acres) seven to 15 miles east of Cahone, near Salter Y and Ormiston Point Road NFSR 521.
Courtesy of U.S. National Forest and Department of Agriculture

Temporary road and trail closures might occur in tandem with the burning operations.

According to a news release, the prescribed burns will help restore ponderosa pine ecosystems, reduce hazardous ground fuels and lessen wildfire risks while improving wildlife habitat.

Depending on weather, fuel conditions and smoke parameters, both hand and aerial ignition methods may be utilized.

Smoke might be visible around Dove Creek, Dolores, Mancos, Cortez and U.S. Highway 491 between Dove Creek and Pleasant View.

The Forest Service warns that smoke may settle into low lying valleys and the Dolores River Canyon overnight. Smoke monitoring and ignitions will be scheduled to minimize smoke impacts.

Prescribed fire could affect people’s health. More information can be found here on health and smoke.

Prescribed burn units and the San Juan National Forest Prescribed Fire Program news can be found on InciWeb.