
Two newly formed coalitions in Southwest Colorado receive grants from CPW and GOCO

Colorado Parks and Wildlife and Great Outdoors Colorado give funding from the Outdoor Regional Partnerships Initiative
Journal file photo.

On Tuesday, Gov. Jared Polis, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, and Great Outdoors Colorado announced the recipients of the fourth round of funding that comes from the Outdoor Regional Partnerships Initiative.

The goal of the grants is to ensure wildlife thrives and outdoor recreation spaces are protected, according to a news release. Two coalitions in Southwest Colorado were named as recipients of the grant.

“With the Regional Partnership Initiative, conservation and outdoor recreation interests, land managers and local government are working together to tackle challenges and advance opportunities for innovative approaches for stewarding Colorado’s outdoors,” the release stated.

An executive order signed by Polis and dated Oct. 30, 2020, created the Outdoor Regional Partnerships Initiative, with the goal of creating a “long-term, equitable, and sustainable vision for the future of Colorado’s outdoors,” according to the news release.

“Through the Regional Partnerships Initiative, we are working across sectors and levels of government to expand and support conservation efforts to ensure our outdoors are preserved for the future,” Polis stated.

“When organizations and individuals work together on behalf of public and private lands and waters, it ensures communities are healthy, livable and prosperous for future generations,” CPW Director Jeff Davis said.

This grant cycle brings the amount of money invested in Outdoor Regional Partnerships to $3 million. Another cycle will be open in the fall.

Montezuma and Dolores counties joined together to form the Montelores Coalition, which was awarded $100,000. The goal of this coalition is to “develop strategic regional priorities and initiatives that foster sustainable outdoor recreation and conservation of natural resources,’ the news release stated. Information on the Montelores Coalition is not currently available.

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife website also names the Southwest Colorado Conservation & Outdoor Recreation Roundtable as a recipient of $99,400. This is a new coalition based in Southwest Colorado, and its goal is to “convene diverse users and voices from the region to develop common ground, share up-to-date information, and chart a course for the region to identify overarching goals and strategies related to conservation and recreation,” the news release said.