‘Normally, respected statesperson at Lincoln Gala’

A possibility exists that Matt Gaetz, controversial U.S. representative from Florida, MAGA squad, MAGA caucus and Freedom Caucus might attend the La Plata GOP Lincoln Gala in September in support of Lauren Boebert.

Almost a year ago, during the Jan.6 hearings, several Trump supporters requested pardons for themselves and others involved. Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks requested pardons and Gaetz was mentioned specifically. Also, the testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson identified both Brooks and Gaetz, who requested pardons from Mark Meadows, the former White House Chief of Staff. Gaetz’s first request came in early December 2020. Eric Herschmann, a Trump White House lawyer, said that Gaetz sought a pardon from the beginning of time “for any and all things.”

Slightly over a year ago, both Boebert and Gaetz voted against the Access to Baby Formula Act (HR-7791). Gaetz predicted that passage of the bill would make baby formula shortages “worse for most Americans.” Did his prediction come true or did he try to deny formula to poor babies in need?

Normally, a respected statesperson would be a welcome guest at the Lincoln Gala. Gaetz allegedly participated in renting a 17-year-old, repeatedly. In Florida, a person over the age of 24 having sexual relations with someone 16- or 17-year-old is illegal under the Romeo and Juliet Law, Florida Statute 794.05.

Do the La Plata GOP members want to win? Perhaps they want to throw out the trashy members, which makes more sense!

Joe Hubbard
