A 17-year-old hiker was rescued Saturday evening after becoming “cliffed-out” on a high-alpine trail not far from the Telluride Ski Resort, according to the San Miguel County Sheriff’s Office.
After receiving the late-afternoon call, county search-and-rescue team members, along with sheriff’s deputies, located the Texas teen, whose name wasn’t publicly shared, on a ridge not far from the Wasatch connector trail in the popular Upper Bear Creek area.
“The teenager, visiting from Texas, was hiking Saturday afternoon with minimal gear and tried to hike past snowfields blocking the trail high on Gold Hill (near the Telluride Ski area), got off-route and cliffed herself out,” the Sheriff’s Sffice shared. “Search and Rescue located the female on a ridge, and using a technical short-rope rescue method, extricated her to safety.”
The first such effort of the season ended at dusk. No one was injured during the four-hour mission.
On Tuesday, in anticipation of a busy Fourth of July holiday, the Sheriff’s Office also shared a note about trespassing and camping on posted private property in a well-known area near Telluride.
“Deputies are observing an issue with people trespassing and camping on private property on Last Dollar Road outside Telluride,” according to the Sheriff’s Office. “We are taking this opportunity to remind citizens and visitors to San Miguel County to stay on public roadways.”