

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Nov. 1, 1935

Wet weather causes RG Southern trouble

The Rio Grande Southern had plenty of trouble during the last wet spell with derailments and cars overturning.

Thursday night, two cars of ties turned over up in Lost Canon, and caused considerable delay in traffic. Two cars of beans were derailed at the same time but did not turn over. A wrecker was brought from Ridgway and soon had things right again. On Sunday, two cars of cattle were derailed near Vance junction and had to be unloaded. Men were hired to round them up and take them to Placerville. It is reported that five of the bovines were killed.

Produce still in hands of growers

A conservative estimate of the fruit and vegetable situation in southwestern Colorado shows that there are in the hands of the apple, pear, potato and onion growers upward of 2,000 truckloads of these crops. These crops have been moving very slowly thus far, owing, in apples to the heavy crop of soft Kansas apples which has been dumped on the market, wherever a sale could be found, at whatever price the buyer will pay.

Last of Renegade Piute Chieftains Dies

Old Polk, for many years a notorious chief of a renegade band of Piute Indians who roamed the southeast section of Utah died several weeks ago, according to word brought to Dolores by a young Ute Indian this week. Old Polk died “two moons” ago, according to the Ute, son of Red Rock, of the Montezuma Creek region.

Old Polk and Posey led several uprisings some fifteen or twenty years ago. Old Polk’s son Tes-Ne-Gat was accused of killing a Mexican sheep herder but was cleared after a trial in Denver. It was during an attempt to arrest Tes-Ne-Gat that Joe Akin, of Dolores was shot and killed near Bluff, Utah.

Stolen Cattle Found

Sheriff A.M. McAnally was called to the Nucla section Wednesday when an alleged cattle stealing case was under advisement. It was stated that 15 head of cattle were stolen from Dolores County. They were recently found near Naturita. Two men from the Dolores region who are said to have driven the cattle out of Dolores county 60 miles into the Naturita region were arrested and taken back to Dolores. Charges of larceny of cattle and also of butchering one head were filed against the two men.

Editorial Comment

Folks show more ignorance about prize fighters than anything else.

The Durango News remarked the other day that Jack Dempsey was the “greatest fighter of them all,” which is about the most ridiculous statement a newspaper can make.

We say that Jim Jeffries was the greatest heavyweight of all time and that Jack Dempsey was not in his class at any time in his career. Jeffries beat at least three men as good or better than Dempsey and to make sure he could do it Jim fought each man twice and knocked each of them out in both fights.