Expanding horizons

Local FLC student returns from teaching in Thailand
Dashell Wilson, back row, and his students in a remote Thailand village. Wilson, a graduate of Southwest Open School, recently spent two months in Asia teaching English.

For two months, Dashell Meredith-Wilson, of Cortez, taught English to students in the remote Chiang Rai province of Thailand, and then in Ho-Chi-Minh, Vietnam, as a member of The International Volunteer Headquarters.

Wilson, a graduate of Southwest Open High School, says he has a calling to contribute and a thirst for international travel.

“In Thailand, I taught mainly in elementary schools. At first, I was terrified,” he said. “I’d never previously taught English.”

The friendliness of the Thai culture was a relief, and he soon adjusted to the job.

“The kids did a great job welcoming me and making me feel like it was no big deal,” he said. “Northern Thailand is a very rural, jungle environment.”

After volunteering, Wilson visited the famous Buddhist temple at Doi Suthep, Thailand. He took a plane to Phuket island, and lounged on the beach at Khao Lak.

“It rained a lot, but I went out anyway and had fun,” he said.

He marked his 21st birthday in the Philippines capital of Manila.

“I celebrated, even though the drinking age there is 18,” he said.

In Ho Chi Minh City, Wilson taught English at a college for three weeks. He said the city is very international, and he met people from Australia, Canada, England, Spain, and Germany.

“I saw all the major sights: the Unification Palace, War Museum and Cu Chi tunnels,” Wilson said. “The locals were friendly and didn’t mind having an American in their country at all.”

Wilson’s main message is for people to travel and see the world. He said he learned that while countries are different, humans are basically the same.

“The language barriers and different cultures were not really barriers at all,” Wilson said. “I’m proud that my students can now travel and say a few English phrases. I developed some of the best friendships I’ve ever had.”

Wilson returns to Fort Lewis College in January to complete his degree in English. He plans to become a writer and world traveler.

To find out more about volunteering abroad go to http://www.volunteerhq.org/
