
Dolores Chamber seeking nominees for 2022 Citizen and Business of the Year

The Dolores Chamber of Commerce annual banquet always attracts a crowd. (The Journal file)
Annual banquet moved to October; Food Truck Fridays has new location but without drive-in movies

Nominations for the 2022 Dolores Citizen and Business of the Year are still being taken, and the deadline has been extended to April 10.

Winners will be honored at the Dolores Chamber of Commerce’s banquet Oct. 21. It was moved to fall this year because of scheduling challenges, said Chamber Director Susan Lisak. The catered party at the Dolores Community Center will have a Halloween theme.

More nominations for both categories are needed, Lisak said. So far, three citizens and two businesses have been nominated. Typically the board chooses from five or six citizens and eight to 10 businesses for the prestigious award.

The chamber board will discuss and vote on the best candidates from the nomination pool at their April 12 meeting.

“We’re seeking nominations of people who go that extra mile for the community, who volunteer their time and resources to help out,” Lisak said.

The guidelines for Citizen of the Year nominees are that they display leadership, initiative, creativity and dedication to make a difference in others’ lives.

The guidelines for Business of the Year nominees are that they contribute and promote growth, volunteer their time and resources to the community, promote the area, demonstrate good customer service and play a leadership role in civic activities.

Librarian and quilter Diana Donohue was awarded the 2021 Dolores Citizen of the Year.

The Flying Pig Boutique, a clothing consignment store in Dolores, was awarded the 2021 Business of the Year.

To nominate a citizen or business for the 2022 honor go to and fill out the form, then hit submit.

Other chamber news
  • Food Truck Fridays will move to the empty lot at Fourth Street and Riverside. There will be an outdoor market at the space organized by the Ginger Jar during the day, and two to four food trucks will open up at 4 p.m. with music.
  • The summer drive-in theater likely will be canceled this year because it needs infrastructure capable of holding the screen vertical and keeping it from blowing over and causing damage.

The goal is to bring the event back, once the venue is improved, Lisak said.

  • The Farmers Market is scheduled to run June through October at Flanders Park. There is no cost or registration for vendors – just show up and set up.
  • Dolores RiverFest is set for June 3 at Joe Rowell Park. The music lineup is being finalized.

For a schedule of Dolores Events visit the chamber Facebook page.