Stand strong for Clean Power Plan

As county commissioners, we recognize that our job is not only to advocate on behalf of our constituents, but to protect the land, air, and water our region depends on. Here in the Southwest, our livelihoods, health, and lifestyle are inherently linked to the health of our environment, which is already feeling the effects of climate change in the form of less stable snowpacks, more destructive forest fires, and public health problems across the Four Corners thanks to poor air quality.

We believe the federal Clean Power Plan presents a smart and expedient opportunity for Colorado to take big strides towards addressing climate change, while also spurring the development of new jobs and cleaner air. We have a long history of proactive climate action in this state. Thanks to Colorado’s Renewable Energy Standard policy, we’re already 75 percent of the way towards meeting the Clean Power Plan’s ultimate goal of around 30 percent carbon pollution reduction across Colorado by 2030.

Now that the Clean Power Plan has been finalized, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has been tasked with creating a statewide implementation plan. Unfortunately, some elected officials, including our attorney general, Cynthia Coffman, are trying to turn our climate action plan into a partisan political game. But climate change impacts all of us, regardless of party affiliation, and we need bold leadership from across the aisles in Colorado to support a strong state plan that will move us towards a more economically resilient and healthier future.

Investment in clean energy and cleaner air is good for Colorado’s businesses, for public health, and for the recreation and wildlife we all love. We thank Gov. Hickenlooper for his support of the Clean Power Plan, and we hope citizens will stand with him in the creation of a strong state plan.

Joan May, Elaine Fischer, and Art Goodtimes

San Miguel County Commissioners


Feb 23, 2016
Scalia was Supreme Court’s leader on limiting environmental rules