Empire Electric Association to return $1.6 million in Capital Credits to its members

Empire Electric Association will return $1,599,310.22 in capital credits to eligible members in March, as bill credits or mailed as checks.

Any revenue remaining after all expenses have been paid in a fiscal year are termed margins. Margins are allocated to members who took service from the cooperative during that fiscal year and are placed into a patronage capital account in each member’s name. This capital, along with borrowed funds, is invested back into EEA system infrastructure.

Allocated margins are eventually returned to members as capital credits. Each year, the EEA Board of Directors reviews the financial health of the cooperative and determines if capital credits will be returned. At the January 2023 board meeting, the board approved returning the remaining EEA margins from 2002.

Keep contact information up to date, so that future capital credit retirements can be issued. A list of former members with unclaimed capital credits is posted each year on EEA’s website at eea.coop. Questions about capital credits or any other cooperative business, call EEA’s office at (970) 565-4444.