
Mancos to offer Lifeline screening March 9

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Screening helps individuals analyze their risk for certain diseases and other health risks

Lifeline screening will be offered to residents on March 9 at the Mancos Community Center, and the screenings will be available until about 4 p.m.

Lifeline is a private prevention and wellness company founded in 1993. The organization, which is headquartered in Austin, Texas, offers 15 various prevention screening options for people 50 and over. They will also do tests on people 40 and older that have certain health risk factors.

Their tests are “designed to identify risk factors that can lead to cardiovascular disease, stroke, and other serious illnesses” such as cancer, diabetes and more. Early prevention and detection is key, and Lifeline has helped over one million people a year screen for health risks.

Using three non-invasive tests that include a stomach ultrasound, blood test and ECG, Lifeline doctors are able to screen the kidneys, liver, heart, bone and joint health, stroke, cancer, diabetes and much more.

Individuals will then be given results to discuss with their personal doctor, and their results will be analyzed by Lifeline’s doctors as well.

Those who are interested in the event and wish to participate in the Lifeline screening can go to the Mancos Community Center, 130 W. Grand Ave. Thursday, March 9.