
Boebert quiet on anti-Semitic activity

As a Jewish-American constituent, I am wondering why my Rep. Lauren Boebert has not seen fit to utter a word or put out a tweet regarding the increase in anti-Semitic activity currently underway. The person she still regards as the rightfully elected president of the U.S. invites to dinner a “celebrity” who wants to go “death-con 3 on Jewish People,” plus a known holocaust denier and white nationalist. The response from Boebert? Crickets. No criticism. Not even a general comment.

Does she know that according to the FBI, in 2020 58% of religiously-motivated hate crimes were against Jews, who account for less than 2% of the U.S. population?

I know that she is very busy keeping guns in school and litter boxes out. Keeping trans youths off the “wrong” sports teams and chasing Hunter Biden’s laptop. Could it be that she is concerned about offending a portion of her fast-dwindling base? Or maybe she has forgotten the “Judeo” in Judeo-Christian? I don’t know, but as they say on Fox News, I’m just asking the question.

In all seriousness, my grandparents were fully assimilated Austrian Jews in 1930. They were sure that all the anti-Jewish rhetoric was just meaningless chatter from the radical fringe. . . until my grandfather was thrown into jail. Luckily, he was released and they fled in the night with little more than their children and the clothes on their back, making their way to the promised land – America.

We’ve seen this movie before.

Silence. Is. Complicity.

Lawrence Gross
