Claims ‘based in hate, anger’

In reference to a letter on Sept. 28, “Your character-ometer is broken,” I would like to point out some misinformation. His letter states Donald Trump is a “(sexual assaulter, compulsive liar, insurrectionist, tax cheat, marriage cheat, golf cheat, draft dodger, twice impeached, narcissist, religion phony, classified thief, traitor, world’s biggest conspiracy peddler).”

That is quite the list of claims. Not one is true or has been proven to be true except impeachment, sort of. Yes, Trump was impeached twice by the House of Representatives but acquitted twice by the Senate.

The letter goes on to claim Lauren Boebert is a “(compulsive liar, her husband guilty of indecent exposure to minors, climate change denier, insurrectionist supporter, election fraudster, campaign finance cheat, religion phony, cares more about her guns than your children's right to live).”

Also, quite the list of misleading and outright false allegations. The indecent exposure charge was dropped.

As a staunch supporter of our First Amendment, specifically freedom of speech, I support the letter writer’s right to an opinion. However, I also have the right to point out his outlandish claims have no basis in truth and are solely based in hate and anger.

Deranged Trump Syndrome and now a new term Boebert Deranged Syndrome clearly exist among some of our more hateful citizens.

Eric M. Speck
