
80 years ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Nov. 22, 1935

Big Rabbit Drive

The first rabbit drive of the season is to be held in the Ackmen section next Sunday.

The hunters are to gather at the Denton store, ammunition will be sold on the ground, or those who chose may take their own. Dinner will be served somewhere in the community where the drive is held.

It is said that there are plenty of rabbits and owing to the fact that they have not been hunted this fall, there should be plenty of shooting.

Dolores Bears Play Crucial Game

In a non-conference football game, Dolores high school soundly whipped a game aggregation of pig skinners from Norwood.

The score was 32-0

Half of nation depends on farm income

The welfare of 45 percent or nearly half of the nation’s population depends more or less directly on the amount and the buying power of farm income states a report from the federal department of agriculture.

Thirty-two million, or about 20 percent of the populations made up of merchants, dealers, service vendors, professional people, teachers, laborers etc., whose livelihood depends directly upon the farmers’ capacity to pay for their goods and services.

Examinations for motor drivers

Every person who drives a motor vehicle in Colorado — and their are more than half a million drivers — must prove his fitness as a driver under the state’s new motor vehicle code, which goes into effect January 15.

A force of 100 or more examiners will put drivers through prescribed tests.