Tips for the malcontents

Regarding e-bikes and other dire issues of contention, life doesn't have to be so hard.

Don't like e-bikes: Don't ride one.Think of the money you will save.

Don't like Democrats/Republicans. Join another party or none at all.

Don't like gay marriage: Avoid having one, if you can.

Don't like abortion: It's quite possible to not have one, especially if you are a man.

Don't like guns. Don't buy any. Another pile of money to be saved.

Don't like atheists or religion: Find your own path.

Upset by the news: Your devices generally come with an off switch. It should be easy to find – look it up on google. The news will surely be there when you return.

In other words, live and let live. There will always be something to be upset about; take a break now and then.

Gregory Parker
