Habitat Honors Outgoing Board Members

The Habitat for Humanity of Montezuma County board gathered at The Farm Bistro on Dec. 2 to honor members Carol West and Mary Sparks with a luncheon and plaque presentation after they recently completed six years of service.

Carol West served six years as board secretary and wore many other hats during the nonprofit’s formative years. Mary Sparks served as board treasurer in recent years and was also instrumental in upgraded Habitat’s accounting and record keeping procedures.

“Carol and Mary have helped make Habitat Montezuma a much stronger and more effective organization,” said board president Gary Harding. “While they will be missed as board members, they will continue to help support Habitat Montezuma’s work.”

Habitat for Humanity of Montezuma County has been working since 2008 to help low-income partner families achieve a home of their own through rehabilitation of existing homes and construction of new homes. In that time, two partner families are now homeowners, and two more families are working with Habitat to complete their homes. Some 15 A Brush With Kindness projects have been completed that helped low income homeowners with small scale repairs and improvements.

Volunteers are the foundation of Habitat’s work and are always needed as board members, ReStore helpers and rehab and construction helpers. Call executive director Barbara Stagg at 970-565-8312 if you are interested in volunteering with Habitat.

Current board members Susan Rain Greg Kemp, LouAnn Jacobson Ball and Gary Harding; and seated, Mary Sparks, Carol West and current board member Mitchell Toms. Several other board members were unable to attend.