City and Sanitation District join forces on infrastructure project

Paradise Village subdivision, a neighborhood off of East Empire, is up for a complete overhaul of its water and sewer infrastructure in 2015 due to joint efforts of the city and Cortez Sanitation District.

The Cortez City Council approved an intergovernmental agreement with the Cortez Sanitation District to replace water and sewer mains in the neighborhood, as well as a complete repaving of the affected streets upon completion of the project. The IGA allows for greater efficiency and cost-savings, officials explained at the Feb. 10 council meeting.

In the past, the city and the sanitation district have utilized separate contractors for similar projects, which duplicated some costs. Working together, the city and sanitation district can bid out the multiple components of the as one single effort finding savings in the environmental study, geotechnical engineering, traffic control and surveying, mobilization, inspection services as well as the advertising and bid process.

“Thanks to Phil [Johnson, public works director] and his staff, we have the right vision of taking taxpayer money and making the process go easier for residents,” said City manager Shane Hale.

In September, the Cortez Sanitation District was awarded a $1.09 million Tier II Energy Impact Assistance Grant for the project from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs.