
School News Get your Hawaiian on for April 23 dance

Pull out your favorite Hawaiian shirt and get ready for the Dolores Elementary School Luau Dance and Fun Night Thursday, April 23 in the Commons Area from 6 to 8 p.m.

Dress in your favorite Hawaiian clothes, but leave the swimsuits at home, because the school dress code will be enforced.

Awards will be given for the best Hawaiian costume. There will be a limbo competition, a cupcake walk, tattoos and lots of games.

Hot dogs, pizza, drinks and desserts will be for sale.

Music will be provided by Andy Bennetts.

Students must be accompanied by an adult.

This night of fun is sponsored by the Dolores Elementary PTA.

Operation graduation

The next meeting dates for Operation Graduation are: April 27, May 4, May 7 and May 19. All the meetings are at 5:30 p.m. in Brooke Elder's room in the Dolores Elementary School. Information: 560-4105.

From the principal

From Dolores Elementary School Principal Sherri Maxwell's desk:

"You may not think you're doing anything special when you help your child get off to school each morning on time, but think again. Experts say that nothing is more important to school success than the routine and discipline of regular school attendance."

Here's why:

"Students can't learn all of what's being taught when they're not in class. Learning depends on teachers working with students ... and students working with teachers. It depends on hearing answers to the questions other student ask. And it depends on group work and using school resources such as the computer lab.

"Learning builds day by day. Today's learning builds on what happened in class yesterday. If your child was absent, thee's no foundation to build upon. And if your students are frequently late to school, they miss the same subject each time they are late. This often leaves holes in a child's learning and understanding."


April 23: PTA Family Fun Night and Dance 6 p.m.

April 23: Dolores Middle School track in Ignacio

April 24: Dolores High School Golf at Aspen

April 24-25: Dolores High School track at Aztec

April 24: No school

May 1: Dolores Elementary Career Day

Shannon Livick