
San Juan National Forest to implement Stage 1 fire restrictions May 20

Under a Stage 1 fire restriction, campfires are allowed only in established fire rings of developed campgrounds, such as the Mavreeso Campground on the West Fork of the San Juan National Forest. (Courtesy San Juan National Forest)
No campfires allowed outside developed campgrounds; ongoing drought creates dangerous wildfire conditions

Hot, dry and windy conditions have prompted the San Juan National Forest to initiate Stage 1 fire restrictions beginning May 20.

Under Stage 1 restrictions, the public is prohibited from building or maintaining a fire, campfire, or charcoal briquette fire, except in established fire rings within developed campgrounds and picnic areas.

Smoking is restricted to an enclosed vehicle or building, designated campground, or while stopped in an area barren of flammable material.

Use of portable propane camp stoves and lanterns are allowed.

Chain saws must have approved working spark arresters with a fire extinguisher and shovel nearby. Welding can take place only in a cleared area of at least 10 feet in diameter with a fire extinguisher nearby.

Fire restrictions are based on an objective set of criteria that includes data from weather stations, measured fuel moisture data, fire danger ratings, weather conditions and availability of resources.

In the San Juan Forest, rising temperatures, lowering relative humidity and consistent high winds are quickly drying out lower elevations, said Dolores District Ranger Derek Padilla.

Fuel moisture for dead vegetation 3-8 inches in diameter in the Haycamp Mesa area is at 17%, which is drier than normal for this time of year, he said.

Also relative humidity in the forest is at 11%, and is forecast to stay below 20% – a threshold for potentially dangerous fire conditions.

Severe fire weather danger for the lower elevations of the San Juan National Forest is rated very high, the fourth highest on a scale of five, according to the Wildland Fire Assessment System.

A fine of $500 can be issued for violating fire restrictions on the national forest.