Man stabbed in apparent bar fight in Cortez

Police believe victim knew suspect, but no name was given

One man was hospitalized in Grand Junction with a stab wound after a fight May 8 at a Cortez bar, according to police.

No suspect has been identified.

“We believe the victim knew the suspect, but we don’t have a name,” said Andy Brock, public information officer for the Cortez Police Department.

Officer Joseph Yen responded to Southwest Memorial Hospital after a report of a stabbing near Angel’s End Zone, 309 N. Broadway, about 2:15 a.m. Sunday.

The stabbed man, Zack Lang, told Yen, “it was just a bar fight,” according to the officer’s incident report.

The stabbing apparently came after a confrontation "at the front of the bar.“

Employees at Angel’s reported that Lang had repeatedly called a man in a white T-shirt a “baby raper.” Video surveillance from the bar about 2:10 a.m. showed the man punch Lang, who fell to the ground.

According to employees, the man left the scene in a red Dodge Charger.

About 2:12 a.m., Lang then ran northwest of the bar, out of surveillance view.

Lang’s girlfriend, Inandre Dale, said Lang was then involved in a second fight, with a man in a black T-shirt near the RC Southwest Development building, at 311 N Broadway.

After the second fight, Lang was seen leaving the area with a stab wound.

Lang suffered lacerations on the left side of his face and upper abdomen. Emergency room staff at Southwest Memorial said Lang would be flown to St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Junction because the knife wound injured his liver.