
MCEDA holding annual meeting April 29

CEO of Osprey Packs Tom Barney will be guest speaker

Montezuma County Economic Development Association is gearing up for its annual meeting on April 29 and hopes to fill several board positions.

The speaker for the lunch event will be Tom Barney, CEO of Osprey Packs, who will discuss doing business in a rural area.

Since its inception, Osprey has grown from a small local company to a recognized leader in the outdoor gear industry. The Cortez-headquartered company coordinates manufacturing facilities in Vietnam, as well as a new shipping center in Ogden, Utah.

In terms of the board vacancies, MCEDA economic development specialist Chris Burkett said nominations and volunteers, as some board members were term-limited.

The board currently consists of five members from local governments, Cortez, Dolores, Mancos, Montezuma County, the Ute Mountain Ute tribe and 10 other MCEDA members, seven of which are from the business/nonprofit side and three others.

“Qualifications are that you be a member of MCEDA in good standing (paid dues). Characteristics are for someone who is interested in moving economic development in our area forward and in helping local business to grow and prosper,” said Burkett.

Initiatives for MCEDA this year are updating the website, publishing a MCEDA Brochure, continuing feet on the ground contact with local business, promoting the Enterprise Zone tax credit, Small Business Development Center assistance, and generally promoting business in Montezuma County.

Anyone who is interested in serving on the board should contact membership chairman Shawna McLaughlin,, or economic development specialist Chris Burkett,

The cost for lunch will be $13 per person.

To reserve a space, call 560-1407 or email by 9 a.m. Monday, April 20.

The lunch begins at 11:30 a.m. at the Cortez Elks Lodge, with the business meeting beginning at noon.