School News Good things happening at preschool

Teddy Bear Preschool and the Dolores Elementary kindergartens are aligning curriculums so that the preschoolers are better prepared to transition into the kindergarten in the fall. The preschool now uses the Orton Gillingham reading/writing curriculum and with the elementary transition grant funds, the schools have been able to purchase the preschool math curriculum, Everyday Math, which includes a day of staff training. The elementary uses both curriculums.

The preschool hosted a Mother's Day event Thursday to celebrate the moms in the program. Moms ate breakfast with their preschooler and then made crafts with the children.

Preschoolers who attend kindergarten in the fall went to the elementary school's cafeteria earlier this week to eat lunch with the kindergartners. The preschoolers learned where the cafeteria is located and how to gather their utensils, trays and milk. Its a big transition going from family-style eating to the large cafeteria.

Today, May 7, the preschool will host their End of the Year picnic. The picnic is a celebration with families to end the year of preschool. The Parent Group provides pizza and games. This is also the time students take part in the St. Judes's Trike-a-Thon. Staff set up a bicycle obstacle course/track for the children to ride their trikes through, and the children have already gathered pledges and ride their trikes to raise money for children at St. Jude's Hospital. This is a fun day for our children, staff and families.

May 14 will be the last day of school for Head Start children, and it is also the preschool graduation. Graduation is held at the community center at 10:30 a.m. Expect the whole shebang: caps, gowns, diplomas, tassels and of course, cake afterwards.

Summer reading program

"It is that time again! The end of the school year is quickly approaching. Many families ask me what they can do to support learning all summer long. My answer is always the same: Read, read, and read some more," says principal Sherri Maxwell.

Once again we are offering our Summer Reading Program. We encourage our students to read for 20 minutes each day all summer long. The PTA donates books to give to our students to get them started. Students have access to the Accelerated Reader (AR) program at the Dolores Public Library so they can get a jump-start on our annual AR competition.

To "Sweeten" the pot, students are rewarded with a free ice cream at the Dolores Food Market for each completed reading log.

May 4-8: Teacher Appreciation Week

May 8 and 9: DHS Track Regionals at Grand Junction

May 8: No School

May 12: Meet and Greet for Mr. Livick: 5-6:30 Library

May 7: PTA Meeting: 8:30

May 18: Track Meet: Cortez: Fourth and Fifth Grades

May 19: Fifth Grade Musical at 2 p.m.

May 19: Fifth Grade Parent Meeting: 5:00

May 20: AR Celebration

May 22: Book Swap

May 26-28: Early Dismissal: 2:35

May 26: Field Day, Kindergarten and First Grade

May 27: Field Day, Second and Third Grades

May 28: Talent Show: 9:00

May 28: All School Picnic on the Lawn: 11:00-12:15

May 28: Character Day: Sportsmanship: 12:30

May 28: Last Day of School.

August 4 and 5: Registration for 2015-2016 School Year

Shannon Livick