
Dolores 40 years ago

Taken from the Friday, May 2, 1975, Dolores Star

The Denver Post this week reported that Wayne N. Aspinall in Washington issued a pointed reminder to his former colleagues on Tuesday that Congress hasn't yet completely delivered on a deal for Colorado projects that he helped fashion seven years ago.

The annual district meeting of the area Business and Professional women will be held in Dolores at the Ponderosa Sunday with the Dolores Club hosting clubs from as far away as Monte Vista.

Steve Smith, evangelist for Grace Bible Institute, Omaha, Nebraska, will be speaking at the First Baptist Church of Dolores May 4-11. Both Sunday morning services will be at 7:30 p.m. The Saturday evening service will be for the Junior through high school kids. It will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a free pizza feed.

An invitation is going out to all women of the Dolores area to plan on attending the Mother-Daughter Tea May 10th, 2:00 at the All-Purpose room of the grade school. Bring your mother, daughter or adopt someone for the day. Your friends and neighbors are sponsoring it for you.

Roy Roper of the Soil Conservation Office on Thursday said the Lizard Head Snow Course has set a new record for the May 1 snow depth and water content. Bud Alber and Bud Roach of the SCS logged 29.5 inches of water in the 70 inch snow pack at the 10,300 foot snow course. The old record was set in 1952 with a 29 inch reading.

According to a report from JI Tebbs, caretaker at Groundhog Reservoir, the lake will not open on May 1 which has been the usual opening date in years past. Tebbs was at the lake on April 30 and said the road still has from 2½ to 3 feet of snow on it. There is also a substantial amount of snow still at the lake and the lake still has a lot of ice on it. Tebbs said they hope to be open by May 17, but the opening date will depend on the weather and the opening of the road.

The Dolores Centennial Bicentennial committee has announced plans for a flag designing contest which will result in a town flag for Dolores. A cash prize will go to the winner.

Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hill had dinner at Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Simmons at Lewis last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hill visited with the A. E. Hamilton family a week ago Sunday.

The L. V. Hills went to Durango to visit her mother, Louise Tushar last Monday.

Visiting recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Meadows and Mr. and Mrs. Tibbits in Cortez were Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hill.

L.V. Hill left Monday on a fishing trip to Lake Powell.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Willbanks went to Denver last Thursday on a business and pleasure trip. Her parents live there.

Mr. and Mrs. Art Nielson spent several days at Sun City, Ariz. last week visiting with friends. Fred Cline came back up with them to be here when they sheared their sheep.

Dart Nielson was among those attending the ROTC Ball last Friday evening in Cortez.

Mr. and Mrs. Art Nielson, Loava Goodall and Lola Goodall were among those attending ROTC Awards Night in Cortez recently.

Audra Hamilton visited with Bernice Hamilton on Saturday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sluder are in the process of moving back to Cortez from Arizona where they have been living.