
Come on, legislators, say Yea or Nay

I was a registered Republican for many years, until 2008 when I had my fill of the lies and non-performance of the GOP on all levels. I am now a registered Independent who does not have much use for either party.

This past election, I regressed and voted for Mr. Gardner, hoping he was and improvement on the GOP's usual cast of RHINO's. I regret to inform anyone who is interested that on his first important vote he was AWOL, as they say in the Army. He did a no vote on the bill to eliminate funding for amnesty for illegals. Most citizens do not realize that members of Congress have three voting options, yea,nay or no vote. Mr. Gardner did a No vote, which I think is a copout.

I do not want people in office that will not vote Yea or Nay. This one of the many tricks Congress, both parties play.

William Taylor
