Update: Man killed in multi-vehicle crash south of Cortez is identified

U.S. Highway 160/491 closed for two hours Thursday near Towaoc

The man who died in a four-vehicle crash Thursday has been identified as Drake Dale Ray Frost, age 28, according to the Montezuma County Coroner’s Office.

Frost, who is from Towaoc and Ignacio, died at the scene from trauma, said coroner George Deavers. He had been ejected from the vehicle.

The crash occurred at mile marker 25 south of Towaoc just after 6 p.m. and closed the highway for more than two hours. Frost is suspected of causing the crash, according to Colorado State Patrol Master Trooper Gary Cutler.

According to investigators at the scene, Frost pulled out into traffic from a side road and collided with a vehicle, then was hit by a snowplow, Deavers said.

Because the victim was Native American, the Bureau of Indian affairs and FBI were investigating the crash, Cutler said.

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The highway was closed for about two hours for the crash investigation and cleanup, Cutler said. It reopened at 8:22 p.m.

The crash happened on wet roads during rainy conditions, and also caused injuries, according to Montezuma County Sheriff Steve Nowlin.

A sheriff’s deputy responded and provided traffic control. The Cortez Fire Protection District, Colorado State Patrol, Southwest Health System ambulance and the county coroner also responded.