
40 years ago

Taken from the Dolores Star, Friday, Jan. 2, 1976

Expedition celebrated

The Colorado Centennial Bicentennial commission has appropriated $30,000 to finance a commemoration of the Dominguez Escalante Expedition of 1776.

The action will finance erection of markers and displays and various reenactments along the route the two Spanish friars followed through what is now western Colorado. Dave Archuleta will coordinate the re-enactments. The trail will bring national attention to the fact that the Spanish frontier was equally important in the development of the US as were the frontiers of the French and English.

Charity needed

The Dolores Chamber of Commerce is sending out letters this week urging businesses in Dolores to donate to Lamberts Blacksmith shop and the Remuda Gallery of Western art, two businesses destroyed by fire Dec. 11.

Grazing permits set

San Juan National Forest District rangers are renewing grazing permits. About 26,000 head of cattle and 47,000 sheep graze the 2 million acre forest on 204 allotments contributing to economic stability in local communities and providing food for American people.

Nunns recognized

Mr. and Mrs. Les Nunn of Dolores were the 1976 recipients of the Potomoc Grange annual Rural Leadership Development award. The award is given to a young Grange couple engaged in agriculture and active in community affairs. The Nunns will spend a week in the nation’s capital meeting with Congressional delegates and USDA officials. Mr. Nunn is a Western State College graduate, rancher and farmer. He owns and leases 275 acres in Montezuma County where he raises and sells feeder calves and lambs.